Board Members

Board Members

Board Members

Board Members

Board Members

There are so many ways you can start making a difference right now alongside us. Share our story on social media to bring awareness to our cause. Volunteer through our “Friends of Dennis” program and change a life for those without family support.

And of course,  bless the cause.  All donations directly impact the lives of people living with spinal cord injuries. Thank you for your support.

Christopher Watson

Christopher Watson

Executive Director/President/Co-Founder

Sometimes God brings people into our lives for a special purpose, and they change our hearts and minds in unimaginable ways. Dennis was one of those blessings. He became my first friend living with a spinal cord injury (SCI).

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 I began learning from Dennis what it meant to live with a disability. For one, it requires a support team of caring people. The absence of a strong family support structure is not an uncommon predicament for people living with SCI. My best friend and business partner and I decided we wanted to comfort and support this community. I am honored to serve as a part of Rebuild Better Together.

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Cindy Fox

Cindy Fox


I am beyond blessed to be a part of Rebuild Better Together. It was my honor to be friends with Dennis, who was the inspiration for this effort. He changed my life, his story impacted me and he captured my heart. I began a journey of connecting with and helping spinal cord injury (SCI) persons, and through this effort, found that a vast percentage of this community lacks a solid family support system.

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We all need one another in some capacity, and all of us are called upon in different ways by God to help and give back. One thing I know that we can all agree on is, at the end of the day, it is all about love. In order to make big changes with our lives we need to support the community around us. What you do everyday matters and even small acts can make giant ripples of good. The vision of Rebuild Better Together does just that. I am proud to be on the path of helping the SCI community through this organization.

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Helen Kissick

Helen Kissick


Inspired by the co-founders, I joined the Rebuild Better Together board in the summer of 2022. I was convicted to help make a positive difference for those suffering from spinal cord injuries and who are lacking the support systems needed to live life to its fullest potential. 

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When a non-profit organization such as Rebuild Better Together first forms, there are a myriad of steps that need to be taken to secure the organization’s operational footing, so it can eventually maximize its ability to deliver on its mission efficiently and effectively. My background, expertise, and passion lie in guiding such organizations to unleash their potential and thrive.

Short Bio

 Jared Quinteros

Jared Quinteros

Board Member

As so many that have come before me, my journey in the SCI community began with tremendous tragedy. June 17 th , 2021, my wife, and I were on a hike when a giant tree limb fell on us. My beautiful wife was struck and killed and my back was broken. In the beginning, while in both mental and physical pain my only purpose for living was my two sons who needed their Dad. As time healed my body, my heart was helped by the generosity of my family and community. I was amazed and appreciative of the support that I had and wanted to not only give thanks but also share the love with those in my situation that didn’t have such a support system.

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Over the year and a half that I spent at home learning how to live independently with my boys, I also learned how difficult life as a single parent was going to be. During this time I also used my art as an outlet to express my emotions and share my healing process. Through the SCI community I met Cindy and Christopher who told me the story of their friend Dennis and the mission of Rebuild Better Together (RBT). As I learned more, I knew that this was where I wanted to be. I am looking forward to being part of this amazing team as we focus on helping others. No one who experiences the trauma of an SCI should ever feel alone.

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Jonathan Wherry

Jonathan Wherry

Board Member

In the fall of 2017 I was in an auto accident that rendered me a C7 quadriplegic. I spent 10 days at Allegheny General in Pittsburgh, and from there I was flown to Atlanta, Georgia to begin therapy at Shepherd Center. Shepherd Center, a rehabilitation center specializing in spinal cord and traumatic brain injury, stands out by not only rehabbing and educating people on how to deal with their disabilities, but by helping people to return to the recreational activities that give so many of us a sense of meaning. This is something I think is severely lacking in the rehabilitation programs in the Pittsburgh area.

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Whether it was through athletics and fitness, dance and theater, or hiking and enjoyment of the outdoors, before my accident I identified myself through movement and expression; that shouldn’t have to change after disability. While there are many programs and foundations that exist for the purpose of helping individuals with SCI in rejoining society, they often primarily see this goal through the lens of rejoining the work force. While noble in its intentions, this goal often rejects the services needed to find fulfillment outside of a vocational setting, and deserts those affected with disability who are unable to return to work. My hope is that by working with Rebuild Better Together, we can create a community and homelife for individuals with SCI that allows them to find fulfillment in whatever way that means for them; both vocationally and socially/recreationally.

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Nora Schneider

Nora Schneider

Board Member

My world changed at age 15 when I suffered an incomplete T/12-L/1 SCI from a motor vehicle accident. I did my best not to let my injury stop me. I have done so many things and met so many amazing people as a result that I wouldn’t change my course in life for anything.

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I love giving back to the SCI community in any way possible. There have been so many organizations that have greatly improved my quality of life. I feel as though giving back with RBT is the least I can do to help others that were in a similar situation to mine at one time.  I’m honored to be a board member for RBT. Helping those with SCI’s that need a helping hand is a blessing, and this is a journey I’m beyond excited to begin.

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Rebuild Better Together
is a recognized 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization
Tax ID #88-2216116
[email protected]